Well, I’ve been slow to pull the trigger, but even though I missed my internal goal of starting on January 1st, I’ve still decided to commit to starting a 365 days blog. I like the idea of committing to sharing at least one picture a day in an effort to improve my photography skills. So if you would like you can follow me on my day by day blog here at www.PhotoGregory.com or on Instagram. When…yes when I finish this challenge, I know I’ll have a great collection of images to reflect upon and inspire me to continue growing my skills. I will do my best to come up with inspiring beautiful pictures. I’m sure there will be some days life will get in the way and I’ll miss a post, or I end up posting a quickly snapped image. But, in the end, my goal is to become more comfortable with my camera so I can quickly and confidently make images that will inspire and be enjoyed by others.

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