Spring Floral Photography
The arrival of Spring and warmer temperatures has piqued my interest in taking advantage of the abundant floral blooms that are beginning to appear. I’ve become intrigued with creating a floral photography gallery of images to document the signs of Spring.
Recently, we’ve been receiving much-needed rain. However, the gloomy grey skies which accompany these life-sustaining rains can throw me into a gloomy funk. After several grey days in a row, I noticed this daisy in a floral bouquet as I was entering Trader Joe’s. It brought a smile to my face and warmed my soul. And it reminded me of the beauty which comes from these Spring rains. So I added the bouquet to my shopping cart and continued my shopping trip.
Once home, I put the flowers in a vase on the ledge between my kitchen and family room. From that location, the two most-used rooms in the house can enjoy their beauty. The next morning, I was particularly intrigued by how the light from the overcast skies was falling on the flowers. So I reached for my trusty camera. I didn’t want a flash to destroy any of the beauty created by the natural light, so I also grabbed my tripod.
While photographing the entire bouquet was “nice,” it was the Gerbera Daisy that continued to speak to me. So I pulled it out of the arrangement and decided to shoot only the single stem. Somehow, I became caught up in exploring the details in just this one flower. It amazes me now that I could spend so much time focusing on only one flower. But as I spent more time in this endeavor, I realized it would be interesting to explore in depth some of the other individual blooms in the bouquet.
So my newest “project” . . .
. . . was born from this single exploration. At least while I’m fixated on these in-depth floral studies I’ll no longer have time for the gloomy thoughts to enter my head. The joy and beauty of this one single flower have sparked a new creative desire within me. They have ignited a new photo passion which I look forward to exploring in the coming days.
So, the first image I’m adding is this gorgeous gerbera daisy. I hope it will be a worthy beginning for an ever-increasing gallery of floral images. As I add to my portfolio, I’m looking forward to the opportunity of exploring the impact of natural light changes throughout the day, the course of a week, a month and a year.
[…] I posted the first image from my new photographic series exploring the details in a single floral bloom. I continue to be intrigued by how the […]